The Timeless Children

Story No. 323 The first Doctor
Production Code Series 12, Episode 10
Dates March 1, 2020

With Jodie Whittaker, Bradley Walsh, Tosin Cole, Mandip Gill
Written by Chris Chibnall Directed by Jamie Magnus Stone
Executive Producers: Chris Chibnall, Matt Strevens

Synopsis: The Doctor learns the truth about the timeless child.

WARNING: This episode is almost impossible to discuss without spoilers. Proceed with caution.


A Review by David Rosenthal 24/3/21

I don't personally care for this episode at all. Cybermen with Time Lord robes I found absolute rubbish. The design was not good, I felt. The Master played by Sasha I felt was okay, but not in my favorite Masters either.

Then the big reveal. Oh, my heart broke. The reveal that the Doctor was the timeless child and not originally from gallifrey but from another dimension and was originally female is basically an f-you to some long-term fans to say "Guess what? The doctor was never born a male." Thanks Chibbs. That was sarcasm, by the way, not a real thank you. And the timeless child was tortured to constantly regenerate to give Tectuen the secret of regeneration. By the way, no mention of Rassilon or Omega either.

I don't plan on watching anymore Who under chibbs. For me now, Doctor Who is 1963 to 1996, from Hartnell to McGann. For me, Chibbs' Who is not true Who. My rating is a 1 out of 10 for this story.