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Sometime during this revamping, Daniel contacted a number of people who had written exceptional reviews and asked them to submit more. Robert Smith? replied, sent a review, and noted how the Guide severely neglected the New Adventures. Daniel replied that he didn't read the books and knew squat about them. Robert was offered the post of Assistant Editor and, thankfully, he accepted. After some advertising for a second assistant editor, Michael Hickerson bravely volunteered, and the work was divided between them.

Perfectionists are never happy with their work, and Daniel couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't have a title graphic with the Doctor's faces. Finally, he made one, and even he admits that it isn't too bad.

But the more things stay, the more they change the sane. At least when it comes to money. While Feist Connections was a good service, Daniel did a price comparison and discovered they charged far too much. Realizing he could get the same service for a lower price, he switched the address of the Guide (again) to

Then T-Three's server went down. And their customer support didn't support much. Oy! So Daniel bought his own site through The, Angelus.Net, and hosts it himself.

And then, Daniel decided that he could no longer fulfill his functions as Webmaster and Editor-in-Chief. But rather than abandon the site, he offered it to Robert Smith?, who accepted the new role.

Welcome to the Guide, now under new management! We hope you like it.

Daniel Callahan signing off, 5/29/99

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